Stop skipping the gym.

Should we fix for the short or long term?

Fletcher Poole Banner

Work is the biggest disrupter of gains.

It’s 6am. I have cold feet. It’s completely pitch black.

I’ve only got two options to get in the gym.

  1. Go after work

  2. Wake up earlier

The gym opens at 6. None of my workouts take longer than an hour. If I get in the gym at 6, I’ll get my workout in.

But there’s that seductive temptress.

If you go after work you can carb up and get a better workout in.

I start asking myself questions. Questions I’m sure you’ve asked yourself…

  • Do I want to wake up at this time every day?

  • If I wake up at this time will I get enough sleep?

  • Will my crack of dawn workouts be productive without carbs and energy?

In the end I usually pick the PM workout, and I end up not going. 🙄

Odds aren’t high that I’ll ever go in the evening.

But, It’s the right move. If I can get myself in the gym after work, I’ll be better off.

The gap between the right move, and the mind state I’m in after work is where the self destruction sneaks in.

Even though a workout after work is better, I have no systems in place to help me do it.

This is the only reason in the short term I should do that AM workout.

Knowing all this, how can I build a system to get me in the gym after work?

I have some ideas…

There are many different methods flying around in my head, it’s why I’m making a “getting in the gym” checklist.

What works for you, might not for me.

Here’s some of what I’m testing right now.

I’ll keep you posted on how these end up working.

Keep an eye out for these emails if you struggle to get in the gym after work.

Your Hypertrophy Hero,

P.S. I know this is something most people struggle with, so let’s find a way to break it. If you’ve ever done anything that helped, reply to this email and let me know what it was.


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