How Effective is Your Failure? (Part 2)

Now that you know failure can be ineffective, there's more to learn.

Fletcher Poole Banner

I was a puritan.

I didn’t want anything to do with non failure training. I felt this way for over 7 months after I started training to failure, I’ve learned a lot in that time. It’s not accurate to say failure is the best anymore.

Yesterday I taught you that failure can be ineffective.

Today I’m going to hand you the tools to unlocking a new observation with failure.

First, I need you to understand the cause of the decreased force when it came to the obstacles yesterday. Stability, pain threshold, fatigue, bla bla bla 🙄

Motor unit recruitment. 

I’m pretty sure you’ve seen me write this stand alone line a few times now.

In case you forgot. This is what activates individual muscle fibres. Crazy thing about your muscles is that only the active fibres can grow. If the fibre isn’t switched on, it won’t grow.

Boom! 🤯

Reaching failure without high motor unit recruitment = pretty idiotic for growth.

What you need to learn requires a huge amount of belief. This is a belief I can’t force upon you, you need first hand experience. I need you to run a little experiment the next time you workout.

I promise it won’t be that hard.

Head to the gym.

Take every set to failure. Concentrate on all the sensations you’re receiving from every single motion. Judge every single rep as it’s own individual experience.

After each journal about your experience.

I want you to have a few observations.

  1. How the last rep felt.

  2. How the other reps felt.

  3. If the difference between the two, are something you were aware of.

Please only do this experiment after making the changes I told you to yesterday.

If the changes were pretty big, it might even be worth giving it a week to let fatigue clear. That will affect results 😔

Otherwise, come back tomorrow with your findings, hopefully it matches up with mine 😬

Your Hypertrophy Hero,

P.S. I swear this is about to get good. When you finish this questline you’re going to have some supercharged growth coming your way.


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