What Actually is a "Muscle Knot"?

i can't for the life of me think of what it could be

Fletcher Poole Banner

Have you ever tied tying a knot.

You do your best job even though you didn’t spend years in scouts.

The problem isn’t a knot. It’s the thing you’re tying it around… a tree.

Anyway you fiddle around for a few minutes and you’re finally confident!

You step away, and it undoes it self.

This has nothing to do with that but I don’t want to be alone in that experience.

So, muscle knots.

What is this? Are your muscles tying themselves over like a proper knot? Is it just something that means something else.

First things first, it’s impossible to actually have a muscle knot.

Professional “massagers” don’t realise that though.

  • A muscle knot is an area that’s constantly turned on?

  • A muscle knot is a weird tight place?

  • A muscle knot has a purpose?

Yeah no idea either.

But if it’s the stiffness people are talking about that’s the only thing it can be.

An area that for whatever reason has decided to stay activated.

There’s probably a reason for this.

  1. Muscle damage

  2. Structural demands

So if this exists that’s the fix, get proper protein, sleep, etc, and move the area to provide a structural demand that has that area move.

That’s it.

No spending a ton of money in the massage parlour.

It’s done at home.

This entire industry is largely a scam, I’ll write a little bit further on why that is so wait for that.

Also please never say muscle knot again, and even if you DO HAVE what I described to you here, the fix isn’t massaging.

Your Hypertrophy Hero,

P.S. The only use massaging has is feeling mentally better, that’s it. But yeah muscle knots don’t exist lol.


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