Monday - Upper 1

Let's build the first day of your workout

Fletcher Poole Banner

Welcome to Monday.

Here’s how I’ll structure these emails:

  1. The skeleton will be posted

  2. You’ll break open each type of exercise and talk about what you’re trying to find/cues/exercise ranking

  3. I’ll give a demo Upper session that I might make

  4. I’ll give a short list of other things I think you should be doing to make the most of this

Upper 1

The Skeleton

Your first Upper session is going to be made of two blocks.

For the most part these exercises will be in the 4-8 rep range with 0-1 RIR but please read the description of each type of exercise to make sure.

To learn about how to perform warmups on this please read this.

Every set no matter what will have 2-3m rest.

First Block

Muscle Target

2x Chest Press Incline

Upper Chest

1x Unilateral Sagittal Lat Row

Mid/Upper Lat

1x Upper Back Row

Upper Back

1x Frontal Pulldown

Lower Lat

Second Block

Muscle Target

1x Lateral Raise

Side Delts + Front

1x Bicep Curl


1x Dip/Pushdown

Triceps (Long Head Focus)

Here’s the deal, you can move an exercise to anywhere inside its block.

If you want to focus on a muscle more than another, move it around so it comes first. I don’t care what order you do so long as it’s First Block, then Second Block.

If you want a super balanced program, pick a random order and reverse this on your second Upper day.

Picking/Performing the Exercises

First Block

2x Chest Press Incline

For this exercise you’re trying to pick something that makes us raise the arm similar to this image.

  • You’re keeping your elbow close to your torso

  • You’re keeping your wrists strong and engaged

  • You’re keeping your forearm perpendicular to the force you’re resisting

  • You’re staying in your chests’ active range

The image assumes you’d be using a free weight, if you were using a machine instead you’d just want to make sure that the arm path is similar.

Ideally pick something stable like a machine.

Hardest position: When you do this try and make it so that it’s hardest at the bottom of the movement.

Proximity to failure: As you’re doing two sets on this try and have the first set be 1-2 reps from failure and then match the reps on the second set, was your perception of failure right?

Rep range: Try and stay in the 4-8 rep range for this one.

Exercise rankings: Chest Incline Press Machine > Chest Incline Smith Machine > Barbell Incline Smith > Dumbbell Incline Smith

Rep speed: Aim for a maximal effort concentric, 3 second controlled eccentric, and a short pause at the top/bottom.

Equipment: If you’ve got cranky elbows you can add elbow wraps

1x Unilateral Sagittal Lat

For this exercise we’re trying to pick something that makes us bring the arm back similar to this image.

  • Your wrist has a neutral grip

  • Your elbow is close to the torso like you’re pulling into your hip

  • Your forearm is perpendicular with the force you’re resisting at the end of the movement

  • Imagine your hand is a hook and you’re pulling with your elbow

  • You’re stopping the movement when the elbow is in line with the torso, not overextending backwards

  • You’re not bringing the shoulder forward or rotating at the torso

  • You should support the chest/hip to add stability

  • You should hold onto something with the free hand to add stability

The image assumes we’d be pulling from a cable, if we were using a DB instead we’d just want to make sure that the arm path is similar and that force acts the same way.

Hardest position: Find what’s most comfortable for you here.

Proximity to failure: Try and be at 0-1 RIR.

Rep Range: Try and stay in the 4-8 rep range for this one.

Exercise rankings: Hip supported cable row > Diagonal Lat Pulldown (JPG Pulldown 🙄) > Any Machine Row (risky) > DB Row

Rep speed: Aim for a maximal effort concentric, 3 second controlled eccentric, and a short pause at the top/bottom.

Equipment: Use straps

1x Upper Back Row

For this exercise we’re trying to pick something that makes us bring the arm back similar to this image.

  • Your wrist has a pronated grip

  • Your elbow is close far from the torso so that your elbow is always at shoulder height

  • Your forearm is perpendicular with the force you’re resisting at the end of the movement

  • You’re stopping the movement when the elbow is in line with the shoulder, not when it’s behind the back

  • You’re letting the shoulders round forward at the bottom of the movement

  • You’re pulling with your elbow and letting your hands act as hooks

  • You should support the chest to add stability

The image assumes we’d be pulling from a diverging machine, if we were using a free weight instead we’d just want to make sure that the arm path is similar and that force acts the same way.

Hardest position: We want this to be the hardest at the bottom

Proximity to failure: Try and be at 0-1 RIR.

Rep Range: Try and stay in the 4-8 rep range for this one.

Exercise rankings: Chest Supported T-Bar > Chest Supported Row Machine > Chest Supported Smith/DB > Chest Supported BB > No Support Smith > No Support BB > No Support DB

Rep speed: Aim for a maximal effort concentric, 3 second controlled eccentric, and a short pause at the top/bottom.

Equipment: Use straps

1x Frontal Pulldown

For this exercise we’re trying to pick something that makes us bring the arm back similar to this image.

  • Your wrist has a pronated grip and you’re picking as wide a grip as possible (if it’s comfortable)

  • You’re leaning back a little bit to give the movement a clear path

  • You’re hopefully locking your legs in to keep everything stable

  • You’re focusing on driving the elbows all the way down

  • You’re letting the your scapular move naturally during the movement

  • You’re pulling with your elbow and letting your hands act as hooks

The image assumes we’d be pulling from a Lat pulldown machine, if we were doing something like pullups we’d just want to make sure that the arm/back is similar and that force acts the same way.

Hardest position: Somewhere in the middle should be hardest

Proximity to failure: Try and be at 0-1 RIR.

Rep Range: Try and stay in the 4-8 rep range for this one.

Exercise rankings: Wide Grip Lat Pulldown > Assisted Pullup Machine > Weighted Pullups

Rep speed: Aim for a maximal effort concentric, 3 second controlled eccentric, and a short pause at the top/bottom.

Equipment: Use straps

Second Block

1x Lateral Raise

For this exercise we’re trying to pick something that makes us bring our arm up similar to this image.

  • Your wrist has a pronated grip and you’re picking as wide a grip as possible (if it’s comfortable)

  • You’re leaning back a little bit to give the movement a clear path

  • You’re hopefully locking your legs in to keep everything stable

  • You’re focusing on driving the elbows all the way down

  • You’re letting the your scapular move naturally during the movement

  • You’re pulling with your elbow and letting your hands act as hooks

The image assumes we’d be pulling from a Lat pulldown machine, if we were doing something like pullups we’d just want to make sure that the arm/back is similar and that force acts the same way.

Hardest position: This should be hardest at the top

Proximity to failure: Try and be at 0-1 RIR.

Rep Range: Try and stay in the 4-8 rep range for this one.

Exercise rankings: Lateral Raise Machine > Cable Lateral Raises > DB Lateral Raises

Rep speed: Aim for a maximal effort concentric, 3 second controlled eccentric, and a short pause at the top/bottom.

Equipment: You can use a cable cuff on this movement to take the forearms out of it

1x Bicep Curl

For this exercise we’re trying to pick something that makes us curl our arm.

  • You’re doing this one side at a time, or alternating

  • Your wrist has a pronated grip

  • You’re hopefully sitting down/adding stability somehow

  • You’re focusing on squashing your forearm into your upper arm

  • You’re letting some shoulder flexion naturally occur

  • You’re keeping your wrist strong and engaged

The image assumes we’d be curling with DBs, if we were doing something like cable curls we’d just want to make sure that force acts the same way.

Hardest position: This doesn’t matter too much on this exercise

Proximity to failure: Try and be at 0-1 RIR.

Rep Range: Try and stay in the 4-8 rep range for this one.

Exercise rankings: Alternating DB Curls > Cable Curls > DB Curls

Rep speed: Aim for a maximal effort concentric, 3 second controlled eccentric, and a short pause at the top/bottom.

Equipment: Shouldn’t need straps but it won’t hurt

1x Dip/Pushdown

For this exercise we’re trying to pick something that makes us push down (focusing on the triceps.

  • Your wrist has a pronated grip

  • You’re going to keep the hand as close to the shoulder as possible

  • You’re hopefully sitting down/adding stability somehow

  • You’re focusing on squashing your forearm into your upper arm

  • You’re puffing out your chest as your elbows come up to the sky

  • You’re keeping your wrist strong and engaged

The image assumes we’d be doing a machine dip, if we were doing something like bodyweight dips we’d just want to make sure that force acts the same way and the movement is as close as possible.

Hardest position: This should be hardest somewhere in the middle/end

Proximity to failure: Try and be at 0-1 RIR.

Rep Range: Try and stay in the 4-8 rep range for this one.

Exercise rankings: Machine Dip > Weighted Dip

Rep speed: Rep speed: Aim for a maximal effort concentric, 3 second controlled eccentric, and a short pause at the top/bottom.

I shouldn’t have to explain the pushdown, this is it.

same sort of rep range, proximity to failure, rep speed.

Attachment rankings: Straight bar > V Bar. Never use the rope

Equipment: If you want you can do this with a cable cuff (if unilateral whilst you hold on for support).

If you get really strong on this start using a weighted dip belt or you’ll go flying…

Demo Upper 1 Session

Now that I’ve gone over everything and everything possible, let’s take a look at a potential demo Upper 1 session.

By no means am I saying this is what you should do, or that it’s perfect, it’s just how I’d personally do it based on my goals, and the exercises I like the most.

You should be picking movements, attachments, etc that you like most.

As important as stability is, if you hate an exercise, finding a less stable one you love is a net positive.

First Block

Muscle Target

Exercise I‘d Pick (for me)

1x Frontal Pulldown

Lower Lat

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown

1x Unilateral Sagittal Lat Row

Mid/Upper Lat

Hip Braced Cable Row

1x Upper Back Row

Upper Back

Hammer Strength Machine

2x Chest Press Incline

Upper Chest

Incline Smith Bench Press

Second Block

Muscle Target

Exercise I‘d Pick (for me)

1x Bicep Curl


Seated Alternating DB Curls

1x Dip/Pushdown

Triceps (Long Head Focus)

Tricep Pushdown

1x Lateral Raise

Side Delts + Front

Cable Lateral Raise

That’s how easy it can be.

Find an exercise that fits the criteria as much as possible, sort out the order, then follow the reps/rest/warmup/sets!

Other Things You Should Bear in Mind

When it comes to picking your exercises themselves focus on ones you KNOW you’re going to love.

If you just love the journey and doing what’s best, that works too.

Listen to your body, use the cues to get the most out of the muscle, progress.

If you don’t enjoy the 4-8 rep range much, give yourself a rep range that’s below 12 (try not to go above this).

Do this workout every single Monday from now to the far far future.

If you reach a point where you’d like to have a different muscle priority, move around the order.

I hope you smash this session, send me a screenshot of your Strength workout when it’s all finished (weight included).

Your Hypertrophy Hero,

P.S. If you’re making a new routine expect some quick strength increase, don’t be scared to keep adding weight.


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