Finding the "Perfect" Gym

It's easier than you'd expect.

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A lot of you will be joining a gym this year.

It’s not that working out at home doesn’t work, it just doesn’t work well…

This guide will be about finding the gym. How you get over the nerves. How you don’t get scammed.

Look finding the perfect gym is the easy part, only a few things really matter.

  1. Price

  2. Utilities

  3. Convenience


The most important thing is price, no matter how close to work, how well equipped, how awesome a gym is.

If it’s $1000 a month, yeah no.

Everyone knows how much they can spend on this, it’s easy. Just don’t forget to factor in travel costs. $3 on the bus costs $3 per session 😬


The biggest part that matters here is really equipment for growth

i’m not saying the rest is irrelevant but…

If worst case scenario you only have some benches, a bar, and dumbbells. BUT they go up to very heavy weights (>200kg). That’s fine (not ideal).

Steam rooms, yoga, cardio machines, all useful stuff, to other goals.

If that stuff is make or break for you, then sure treat it as make or break.

Ideally there’ll be tons of great cable machines, plate loaded machines, etc, that go HEAVY. If I were you I’d go look at the possible gyms and find machines you like the look off/there are the most of.


This is what I consider the most important thing.

Even if you have all the money in the world, this matters.

If I was a billionaire I’d buy day passes for convenience.

If I was well off I’d have two gym subscriptions, one for a proper gym, one for a “no way you skip this” gym.

The “no way you skip this gym” can be both.

It’s a gym where on your hardest days it’s so convenient to get to, that it makes no sense to skip.

Right next to your house, next to your work.

It can’t be something that takes longer than 10 minutes to get to.

Price + Utilities + Convenience.

You’ll find your perfect balance of these.

Gym nerves…

We’ve all been there.

The biggest thing I can tell you here is to just go in.

Don’t care about anything.

Everyone in there is to work on their goals.

You can turn up in PJs and crocs.

Now the biggest thing in not getting scammed is to read the fine print.

Are they locking you into 12 months? (Don’t take this even if there’s a great deal unless you’re certain on the gym).

Are you only able to come during certain hours?

Does this gym have a bad rep?

Work that out and you’ll be perfect.

Enjoy your gym.

Your Hypertrophy Hero,

P.S. Pretty much all gyms are the same try not to overthink it. If you’re in doubt literally pick the closest/cheapest gym possible and switch later on when you know a better more about what makes a good gym.


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